Wednesday, April 25, 2018

traveling through greece

the good:
  • i get to practice recognizing the greek alphabet
  • and realize i have been saying them wrong all this time, the bees and the vees and the dees and the thees
  • also i get to marvel at greek words that have wandered in to english, the thesaurus that became our treasury and the metamorphosis that transfigured, and i feel a tiny part of a magnificent edifice that spans thousands of years
  • plus a constant supply of greek myths far more elaborate and salacious than today's tv and book offerings
  • and an actual physical location to those old names: theseus minos the sphinx and all the inhabitants of tanglewood
the good is that this is the trip to pull my patchy education in the classics training in the sciences dabbles of the socratic method and fancy for juicy stories together

the bad:
  • the food sounds better than it tastes, or perhaps that is because we are with a group tour
  • and the environs are a tad slummy, or is that the microenvironment we end up in
  • also the cognitive dissonance i guess, of Helen the beautiful and the EU member today

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