Wednesday, April 25, 2018

turkish thots

what I learn from a day-layover in Stamboul:
  • turks love their smoke, and a particularly potently odoriferous one it is too
  • they are marvelously cheery and friendly, even to a jaded tourist like me
  • but that makes them cheerfully rubber about their time management, to put it politely
  • the arasta bazaar is way more pleasant than the grand one, in terms of crowdedness
  • but the grand bazaar is way more fun and stuffed, mainly in a chatuchak way
i buy me a lovely heavy golden embroidered shawl that i must now find excuse to wear frequently. on a related note, HOM and i buy us a senneh kilim, despite and in full recognition of the embargo on new big items in our home. there is something pernicious about shopping on vacation.

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