Thursday, January 23, 2020

an afternoon at the library

  • i visit, seeing as the cellphone battery is running dangerously low and i'm not due to meet HOM yet
  • it's a modern place with lots of different levels for variety and plenty of computer terminals with flat screens and screens embedded in tabletops. i just wish they had more seats with backrests 
  • lots of middle-aged and elderly folk there
  • with a rather significant proportion of them catching forty winks, myself included
  • some people talk rather loudly on their cellphones. i wish they wouldn't. one really does not wish to know that that gentleman made his payment the other day already
  • in addition to my forty winks i catch one-and-a-quarter forgettable books. but that's ok. one's got to read a lot of nonsense to get a gem or two, is wot i say, mixed metaphors be damned

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