Wednesday, January 29, 2020

the museum of innocence - orhan pamuk (2008)

i chance upon this book in the playground and hunt it down in the library. 

it is un-put-down-able for the first half. pamuk has a style that effortlessly conjures up floating leaves fragile branches and autumnal smokiness. his descriptions of Kemal's distress furtiveness and hopelessness are merciless and compelling. 

but a doomed relationship can only throw up so many numbing details before it starts to drag, is what i say. at chapter 54 i give up and start reading backwards from the end. 

i must say the story ends quite elegantly, with its delicate musty atmosphere intact. although that could be because i am speed-reading by then.

i also say Kemal Bey must have had some OCD trait in him. 

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