Sunday, September 1, 2024

uncharitable reflections

my pet peeves, riding in a taxicab:
  • drivers who want to chit chat with me (i'm sorry. i prefer not to talk)
  • drivers with a hand on the wheel and the other on their cellphone (is it alright if you do not text and drive please?)
  • the radio on a local chinese channel (usually over-energetic d.j. interviewing well-meaning earnest opinionated members of the public)
  • the radio on a local english channel (usually smooth-sounding d.j. with fake western accent rambling on about an inconsequential topic)
  • air fresheners (usually cloyingly pervasive if present), or
  • the aroma of oil of wintergreen (previous passenger's or - horrors - driver's)
gimme a taciturn and masked driver with accurate google map directions and no penchant for fragrance. even better if he looks normal and dresses in business casual.

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