Sunday, January 27, 2013


i drag myself to the cpr recertification course on saturday morning. good luck to you, people warn me darkly. may you succeed in compressing the mannikin's chest without collapsing yourself. the trouble, i explain to HOM, is that my entire body weight may not supply the minimum mass required to activate the sensor in the mannikin's chest.

the compressions turn out great. beautifully timed and just the right depth, which in any case is just the only depth my weight can achieve. where i falter is in the breathing. specifically, in the head-tilt-chin-lift-pinch-nose-blow-hard-without-getting-light-headed part of the test. you practically have to break his neck hyperextending it, and he's got a nose the consistency of hard plastic. and also, it doesn't help when his left ear gets dislodged halfway through resuscitation.

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