Tuesday, January 1, 2013

new year resolution

in line with the calendar, my own reservations notwithstanding, my resolution for the new year is to be kinder. not in the way of leaving-the-seat-untaken kinder but more in the way of reaching-out-and-tapping-the-other-person-and-saying-here, have a seat kinder. not in the way of stepping-aside-out-of-your-way kinder but more in the way of saying-let me help you with that, i've got an extra hand kinder.  and not in the way of keeping-quiet-and-not-disturbing-you kinder but more in the way of let-me-get-to-know-you-better-tell-me-about-yourself kinder. God knows i receive enough of the second kind whilst retreating tactfully behind the first.

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