Sunday, January 6, 2013

modern consumerism

we collect our new car today. time was when the salesman handed you your keys shook your hand wished you good luck and off you drove into the brave unknown with your new set of wheels. all in five minutes flat. today our orientation to the vehicle's exterior is a stand-alone module after which we get run through the navigation system the display console the safety features the locking and unlocking and the etc. HOM and i feel exhausted after the tutorial. it is as much as we can do to remember how to turn the keyless engine on to drive ourselves into the brave unknown.

my dream car, as opposed to this monster that i have no desire to drive, is looking more and more like a small capacity small volume manual hatchback with nothing fancy on board. definitely without the keyless entry feature, which strikes me as an electronic malfunction waiting to function.

HOM's dream feature, it turns out, is the keyless entry bit.

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