Friday, December 29, 2017

have data and more

i get to thinking about life and devices and the web. entry level stuff, like the palm pilot. and that clunker that was iPhone 4. there was dial-up then broadband then that most helpful of amenities, in-store wifi. and of course

mummy used to clip recipes and file them carefully and one day she gave them to me. J2 won't be getting nuthin' from me, hah. do the shrimp dish that you did four years ago, says HOM. was that the barefoot contessa dish? ok! let's look it up!

fact-checking reaches new sophistication. the truth is out there and now i can look it up as you are talking. some lecturers dislike this. disrespectful, they say. just makin' sure you're on the straight and narrow, sir. and if you lifted it off wikipedia we'll see it in the first link.  

we used to say, have data plan will travel. travel even better with googlemaps tripadvisor and googletranslate. although i occasionally cast a thought for the not-so-net-savvy business that might still be a gem but is now unvisited, like the old towns that didn't get to be next to the new highway. and some places are cyber-better than reality, of course.

my life has altered irrevocably, luddite that i am.

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