Thursday, December 28, 2017

notes from saigon

  • they like their smoke a whole lot, even indoors and without ventilation
  • food is good and on every street corner and so far without gastrointestinal repercussions
  • mopeds own the roads and the traffic qualifies for its own blog post
  • crossing the roads also qualifies as a bona fide tourist thing to do
  • they speak pretty functional english here, much more than in bangkok, for e.g.
  • there are fewer beggars and less conspicuous consumption, compared to (again) bangkok
  • you forget this is a communist country. they are quite ardently capitalist here
  • chatuchak is bigger than ben thanh
  • the war remnants museum is a must-go, if only to open your eyes to how fortunate we are
  • the post office might have been designed by Eiffel, but it's a bit too colorful
  • the night view of district 1 across the river from district 2 is gorgeous

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