Thursday, December 28, 2017

saigon traffic

i'll say this. they have the whole share the road thing down to beyond a fine art and pretty much into a life philosophy. the way the cars mopeds bicycles and pedestrians move contemporaneously symbiotically and in ten different directions at once around a circle is breathtaking. the only thing that keeps me from breaking into spontaneous applause is the fact of my own progress through the circle as an erstwhile pedestrian.

tourist tips to surviving the traffic:
- take a motorcycle tour. the riders are so cool about the traffic that you begin to acquire some nonchalance yourself, against all better judgment
- step out onto the road into incoming traffic close your eyes and walk. it'll be ok. BUT ONLY IN SAIGON. not in singapore or kuala lumpur 
- don't be too uptight about rules and who has right of way. because the only rule they follow is to stop at red lights. approximately

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