Tuesday, February 19, 2013

apartment living

one inescapable feature of apartment living is the fact that you are exposed to your neighbors' piano practice. they are at it again, HOM tells me, in case i miss the tinkles. mostly mozart and beethoven, with the occasional ballade pour adeline. mostly elementary, where we live. mostly uninspired, i guess. but most of all DILIGENT. 

you might think that with all this practice they might be able to progress to something nicer by now, HOM says helplessly.


  1. It's one of the quirks of apartment living since you share one building. I guess all you can really do is to talk to your neighbor about it in person. Perhaps if you can ask them really nicely they can be more willing to accede to your request. I would do the same if I have a neighbor at my Gilbert AZ apartments who is like this.

  2. haha i am taking a philosophical view for now... they've got to start SOMEwhere i guess :)
