Tuesday, February 12, 2013

seen and heard and felt

HOM and i do the quintessential singaporean holiday thing and visit a showflat. the place teems with couples with little bouncing children who unconcernedly brush you aside in their projectile motion across rooms. excuse me, i say to thin air, i was standing here before you exploded onto me! 

no more jumping on the beds, i hear a mother say to her son. which can only be predicated on prior jumping on beds, i tell HOM.

it is an incontestable fact that some children are adorable primarily to their own parents.


  1. As a mother of two boys, I have always felt a struggle between letting children be themselves and expecting them to behave as adults in public. It is one thing to be rude and oblivious to the needs of others and another to be their mischievous self. I happen to be on the more controlling side of things and sometimes my husband tells me to chill.

  2. yes i agree there's a difference between childish mischief and discourtesy... this post was a frustrated observation of the adults bringing up the kids, not the kids per se. as for your parenting style... in my experience (such as it is :)) children with conscientious parents turn out more impressively :)
