Tuesday, February 19, 2013

birds of a feather

work-life balance is the new mommy wars, it appears. or mommy wars are the new work-life balance. or mayhaps they are a subset of each other. 

whatever the case, the haves and the have-nots are arrayed on two sides of a clear divide. how do they think they will ever amount to much, the haves ask. or perhaps they are the have-nots. the day will come when they will have missed their children's entire childhoods, the have-nots say darkly. or perhaps those are the haves.

as for me and HOM, with all respect, our professional ambition is to retire.


  1. I envy the stay home mom in this respect.I guess amidst the many work and church responsibilities I have, I just have to make do with the amount of time I have left to connect with them.

  2. it's a perpetual tension, yes. but i would like to say that the time when the tension seems most insurmountable passes, eventually, and most of us are the richer for it. hang in there.
